28th Annual General Meeting
MAREAA Annual General Meeting
Thursday 8th September 2022, 3.00pm AEST
Via Zoom Teleconference: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkfuqupj8tGNDgM7M0Ujhrfd_zA_CN3d5H
Welcome and Apologies
Opening Address and Presidents’ Report
Minutes of 27th AGM 2021; acceptance and any business arising
Financial Report of the National Committee and of each active state branch
State Branch Reports (NSW, WA, QLD, NT, VIC & SA)
MAREAA Award for Excellence in Marriage and Relationship Education
National Committee 2022/2023:
All positions declared vacant
Acknowledgement of State Branch Representative appointments
Election of Management Committee office bearers
(President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary)Election of ordinary members
(committee members other than State Branch Representatives and office bearers)
8. Any Other Business
9. Close
Please find the following 28th AGM 2022 documents attached: