Relationship dynamics: How Do Satisfied and Unsatisfied Couples Score in These Areas?

Based on research, PREPARE/ENRICH has discovered that there is a positive cycle linking assertiveness and self-confidence and a negative cycle linking avoidance and perceived dominance.

In the positive cycle, as a person uses more assertiveness, their level of self-confidence tends to increase. As a person’s self-confidence increases, their willingness and ability to be more assertive increases.

In the negative cycle, when one person perceives their partner as dominating, a common reaction is for that person to avoid dealing with issues. As a person uses more avoidance, they will often perceive more dominance in their partner.

There is a positive cycle between Assertiveness and Self Confidence and a negative cycle between Avoidance and Partner Dominance.

How Do Satisfied and Unsatisfied Couples Score in These Areas?

PREPARE/ENRICH research has found that satisfied couples tend to score high in assertiveness and self-confidence, and low in avoidance and partner dominance. Conversely, the tendency for unsatisfied couples is for one or both individuals to be low in assertiveness and self-confidence, and high in avoidance and partner dominance.

PREPARE/ENRICH measures two components overall satisfaction:

  • Individual Satisfaction: Scores based on the average of each person’s Individual Scores across the core relationship categories: Communication; Conflict Resolution; Partner Styles and Habits; Financial Management; Leisure Activities; Sexual Expectations; Family and Friends; Relationship Roles and Spiritual Beliefs.

  • Couple Satisfaction: Scores based on the average of the couple’s Positive Couple Agreement (PCA) scores across the core relationship categories.

Tune in next week for more tips and learnings and the value of knowing and using The Relationship Dynamics section of PREPARE/ENRICH.

Marriage and Relationship Education is a learning opportunity, much like you would do in any other important life event. Check out the video for couples on YouTube:

Tune in next week for more discussion about relationships and mental health. 

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Written by Shane Smith

evidence shows that AUSTRALIAN COUPLEs are on average, high in assertiveness and self-confidence and low in avoidance and partner dominance


Exploring positive and negative cycles in relationships (Relationship Dynamics)