When conflict arises, try to communicate assertively and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions
When conflict arises, try to communicate assertively and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions, and try to focus solely on the issue at hand
What is the difference between resolving an issue and managing an issue?
Dealing with conflict in a healthy, productive, and respectful way, can bring you closer as a couple and make your relationship stronger.
When conflict arises, avoid using blameful language towards your partner as that invites negativity into the situation
When conflict arises, avoid using blameful language towards your partner as that invites negativity into the situation
It’s important to resist the urge to bring up past experiences that have already been resolved and reopen them for discussion
Think about how you can show your partner respect in the midst of conflict
Communicate assertively, take responsibility for your own feelings and actions, and focus solely on the issue at hand
It’s important to resist the urge to bring up past experiences that have already been resolved and reopen them for discussion
Marriage presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for couples
Married Couples enjoy the many benefits of married life together, but they also face the daily challenges of communicating effectively and resolving the issues involved with running a household, parenting children and managing finances